We are proud to announce Standing Up to Stigma’s Campus Representatives Program!

We are partnering with students in high school and college to better the mental resources at their schools. By hearing from students we hope to expand our message and focus our efforts to erase stigma!

Miami University’s Campus Representativesdrivenamazingimpressive

Standing Up to Stigma was founded at Miami University and our campus representatives from this university embody our mission and cause.

Alex Kernell

Alex Kernell is a bioengineering major and electrical engineering minor at Miami University. He believes bringing awareness to the stress that work, school and relationships can be beneficial to all our mental health.

Trent James

Trent James is a senior biology and pre-medical student from Deerfield, Illinois. He hopes to make a difference in the fight for mental health as he attends medical school after graduation.

University of Dayton

We are excited to have selected three Campus Representatives from the University of Dayton! They share our ideals and carry a strong desire to erase the stigma surrounding mental health.

Nathan English

Nate English is a senior at the University of Dayton studying Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration. He wants to make an impact to young adults who suffer from anxiety and depression through readily resources.

Matt Martin

Matt Martin is a graduate student at the University of Dayton pursuing his Master’s in Business Analytics. He is dedicated to advancing the mission of Standing Up to Stigma across Ohio college campuses.

Scott Koenig

Scott Koenig is from Toledo, OH and is currently a senior at the University of Dayton pursuing a degree in finance. He loves spending time with friends and family, running in his free time, playing/watching any kind of sport, and can be found grilling food for others on the weekends.

JOIN our team!

We are actively recruiting campus representatives. Please contact us to apply!

Help erase the stigma surrounding mental health at your school!