Standing up to Stigma currently has two funds that we use to distinguish and focus our donations. Thank you for your ongoing support and making our mission that much more attainable!

Standing Up to Stigma Fund

Our general fund for erasing mental health stigma

This fund supports our mission of erasing the stigma surround mental health. Help us give back to local high schools and universities, expand our reach and hold fundraising events. Due to your generous donations and support we have made our first annual donation from the Standing up To Stigma Fund. We look forward to expanding our mission, raising more funds so we can continue to make an impact in the fight against mental illness.

Thank you for your support! YOU make our mission possible! Please consider donating and joining the Standing up to Stigma family below.

The Miami Fund

Aside from the stigma surrounding mental health treatment, another one of the biggest problems in the mental health community is being able actively seek treatment. With high costs for treatment such as drugs and therapy, or a lack of medical insurance members of the general public may not be able to afford access to treatment. Thousands of high school and college aged adolescents are unable to receive proper treatment due to these issues causing their mental health problems to worsen and negatively effect their lives. 

Mental health issues that are left untreated can lead to problems in school, social life, and family life, among many others. After speaking with medical professionals from multiple universities across Ohio, it is clear that the resources for mental health treatment amongst high schools and universities are severely underfunded. One example of the lack of funding is therapy services at local Ohio universities being backed up nearly six months. Due to the overwhelming effects of the pandemic, among other issues, university services have become overwhelmed and are unable to treat students.

Our goal is to strengthen these resources so that no student has to cope with their problems without professional help. With more funding at universities and high schools, mental health services will be able to expand their staff and amount of service, offering a more affordable alternative to receiving care. Starting at my alma mater of Miami university, we will work closely with medical professionals in order to fund and strengthen treatment resources.

20% – 24 Hour crisis hotline 

Students may call for assistance with mental health problems, or if they simply need the presence of a comforting voice  

50% – On campus services

Due to the high demand of therapy appointments, Miami will often hire outside professionals to assist with the demand for mental health services 

30% – treatment outside of school

Supports hometown therapy and specialized services not available at school for students