Each month the Standing Up to Stigma team reaches out to people we know in our lives that we find inspirational. For the month of February, Mike invited Shrey Soni to give his thoughts on mental health and wellbeing.

Shrey is Audit Analytics Specialist at Deloitte, a graduate from Miami University and bilingual. Mike chose to reach out to Shrey because of his outstanding attitude and his ability to handle the balance of maintaining a successful social life and career.

Thank you Shrey! Our featured guests help personalize and destigmatize mental health!

The Questions:

Q1: Do you have any habits, routines or activities that help you achieve happiness?

A: Yes, getting enough sleep, working out, waking up early and getting my day going and staying away from my phone when I work. I have stopped drinking excessively on work nights which has been great.

Q2: Please explain a personal trait or attribute of yours that you have tried to improve on in the past year:

A: I’ve tried to become more disciplined with my job and try to focus and get as much done as I can in the day rather than procrastinating and having to pull late nights before deadlines

Q3: What do you do to turn a bad day around?

Go work out, take a cold shower, listen to some heavy bass music, FaceTime a friend to talk about random stuff. And then work on the problem when I feel better.

Q4: What have you changed in your life in the past year that has had a positive impact?

A: I got two phones, one is my normal phone and one is a phone with just Spotify and email; no social media or messaging. I keep the second with me when I want to be productive so I don’t keep getting distracted. This has really helped me not constantly open things like snapchat.

Q5: What does happiness mean to you?

A: The way I look at it I’m not happy all the time. I’m usually just in a neutral state and sometimes I’m happy or sad depending on the circumstances. So I just recognize that and am comfortable being in a neutral state.

Thank you Shrey for participating in this month’s guest series! Our guests ability to share their unique prospective on happiness and mental health are beneficial to all us here at Standing Up to Stigma. Stay tuned for next month’s featured guest and continue to work on your own mental health!


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